San Antonio jury awards $7 million to man paralyzed after beating by police

by Sanford Nowlin

A federal jury on Thursday awarded $7 million to man left paralyzed after a beating he received from San Antonio police officers who mistook him for a suspect they were pursuing, the Express-News reports.  On May 20, 2014, three SAPD officers tackled, struck and kicked Rogelio “Roger” Carlos III as he snapped photos at the construction site of his family's pediatric clinic in far West San Antonio. Carlos had surgery a year later to combat pain that continued after his assault, and a complication left him a quadriplegic, according to the daily. Three San Antonio police officers were involved in the assault: an undercover officer identified as Detective John Doe and two SWAT officers, Carlos Chavez and Virgilio Gonzalez, the Express-News reports.

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